
Girona 500 AUV

Autonomous underwater vehicle with hovering capability for a maximum depth of 500 m. The Girona 500 can be easily configured for multiple tasks thanks to a large payload volume and an open software architecture.

Sparus II AUV

Lightweight autonomous underwater vehicle for a maximum depth of 200 m. Like the Girona 500, the Sparus II is also capable of hovering and has an easily configurable payload area and an open software architecture.


COLA2 (Component Oriented Layer-based Architecture for Autonomy) is the ROS-based software architecture running in the underwater vehicles from Iqua Robotics.


IQUAview is the graphical user interface (GUI) that allows to operate the family of vehicles from Iqua Robotics in a simple and user-friendly manner.


SoundTiles is a stand-alone software to create acoustic maps using forward-looking sonar data.