IQUA robotics (IQUA) is one of the most recently created spin off companies of the University of Girona. Founded in 2016, IQUA is devoted to the design, development, manufacture and commercialization of underwater observation technologies. This 2023, the company was invited to be part of the startup area reserved for the University of Girona in the 4YFN (4 […]
Category: Uncategorized

Testing our newly developed optoacoustic payload in Atlantis testbed (Portugal)
The world’s first offshore wind farm was installed at Vindeby, off the southern coast of Denmark, in 1991. At the time, few believed that this could be more than a demonstration project. Thirty years later, offshore wind power is a large-scale, mature technology that provides power to millions of people around the world. New facilities […]

PLOME, a research project to monitor marine ecosystems
Understanding the marine ecosystem is key to monitoring, evaluating, and managing its functioning. To do this, the scientific community needs data. The PLOME project will obtain it with an underwater platform that will monitor the ecosystems of the seabed for extended periods. Girona, 7th of July 2022. A scientific team led by the University of Girona (UdG) will […]

Warm up for Oceanology International 2022
At Oi London we will be doing live demos of SoundTiles software. Find us in booth B101! 🙂 IQUA robotics team will move to Oceanology International in London for a few days to show you the latest updates on the company’s current products as well as disseminating its innovation projects and developments. SoundTiles software live […]

We attend Ocean Business 2021
From the 12th to the 14th of October 2021 we finally had the chance to attend a commercial fair in post-covid times. An amazing organization, enthusiastic visitors and a long list of motivated exhibitor made the event a success, it was a very different fair, yes, but it was the first and it was great! […]

We support and participate in Jornadas CEA
Last week we had the opportunity to participate in Jornadas CEA, a Spanish event coordinated by the Auomatics Spanish Committee. The event took place in Universitat Jaume I in CastellĂł de la Plana. IQUA participated by setting up a company booth showing the latest developments on SPARUS II AUV, presenting the H2020 European Project ATLANTIS […]

SoundTiles new release supports FLS data from major brands
Last April we launched the new release of SoundTiles software for processing FLS data. Besides the already supported brands: • Sound Metrics• Norbit We now support: • Teledyne Blueview• Teledyne Reson• Blueprint Subsea• Kongsberg Maritime SoundTiles is a stand-alone software solution for automatic generation of underwater acoustic mosaics from forward-looking sonar images that was launched by IQUA robotics on July 2021. […]

SPARUS II AUV exhibited at Marine Autonomy and Technology Showcase 2018
The Martine Autonomy and Technology Showcase (MATS) 2018 took place at the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) in Southampton (UK) from the 13th to the 15th of November 2018. The event is annually organized by the NOC and gathers professionals on marine technologies, both in academia and industry.