First semester of 2020 has been very active from the company’s research and development point of view. The team is currently working in two H2020 projects:
- ATLANTIS, an innovation action linked to ICT robotics programme, dealing with the potential autonomous operations and maintenance to be carried out in a floating wind farm;
- EUROFLEETS+, an infrastructure project where IQUA team leads with an specific joint research action together with the University of Girona, Coronis Computing and IFREMER.
ATLANTIS kick off meeting took place at the coordinator’s facilities in Porto on January. It was the first chance for the consortium to presidentially meet at INESC TEC; the team is composed by a set on R&D institutions (technology providers), a group of end users, leaded by EDP and PPT, and a team of companies working in robotics field who will be responsible to provide robust technologies to be tested in real environment. The project started on 2020 and it will end on 2022.
EUROFLEETS+, on the other hand, is a project that started back in 2019 and celebrated in Lisbon its 2nd General Assembly where management decisions of the consortium were made. IQUA’s work started at the end of 2019 and will end up by 2021 with the final tests of the developed technologies in the sea.