On the 27th of January 2018 the FIRST® LEGO® League tournament will take place in Girona. The contest is a worldwide event for scholars up to 16 years old who make their designs on robotics and prepare a research project on a specific topic. Annually, a specific challenge is launched, this edition is focused in […]

IQUA Robotics delivers a SPARUS II AUV to the Department of Marine Technologies, Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences (University of Haifa)
IQUA Robotics started its journey as a University of Girona start up back in October 2016, after 10 years of applied research on marine robotics and applications at CIRS – Underwater Vision and Robotics Lab. On July 2017, the company delivered its first unit of SPARUS II AUV to its final customer, the Department of […]

Presenting our technologies at ERL Emergency in Piombino (IT)
IQUA Robotics exhibits its technologies in Italy on the framework of the European Robotics League (ERL) Emergency. ERL Emergency Robots is a civilian, outdoor robotics competition, with a focus on realistic, multi-domain emergency response scenarios. Inspired by the 2011 Fukushima accident, the ERL Emergency Grand Challenge can only be overcome when land, underwater and flying […]

We exhibit at IEEE OCEANS in Aberdeen (UK)
IEEE Oceans is one of the most consolidated events worldwide in underwater technologies field. Promoted by IEEE Ocean Engineering Society and Marine Technology Society, the OCEANS has become a meeting point for ocean technology researchers presenting their last developments and exhibitors from ocean equipment and service suppliers. The 60th edition takes place in Aberdeen (Scotland) […]

‘La Girona de les solucions’ workshop
Marc Carreras participated in the local workshop ‘La Girona de les solucions’ organized by ‘En Positiu – Periodisme de les solucions’ Spanish association with the support of the local instituions. The event aims to support the new entrepreneurial initiatives taking place in the city of Girona and makes them available to the general public. This […]

IQUA Robotics in the Innovation Day on marine robotics at Breaking the Surface 2016
Pere Ridao presented the history behind IQUA Robotics creation in one of the most relevant yearly-organized workshops in the underwater robotics community in Europe, Breaking the Surface (Biograd Na Moru – Croatia). His speech ‘From Lab to Market’ focused on the motivation behind the company creation, the main goals to be achieved and the expected […]